HEADLINE: The City of Montreal set to unveil its new public housing plan to replace former St Martins Blocks.
SUBHEADING: Construction of new public housing in St Martin’s blocks complete and former residents prepare to move into their new and improved homes government built homes
DATELINE: Montreal, Quebec – February 01, 2021
Since the City of Montreal completed the construction of the new public houses in St Martin’s Blocks, Its former residents have been eager to come back home. The City government of Montreal with the help of representatives of the residents of the former housing systems are preparing for the unveiling of the new homes. This event is expected to restore normalcy to the residents as they move back from the temporary homes that were allocated to them by the government.
The main purpose of this project was to build a modern, clean, well-organized and safe community for the residents of St Martin’s blocks. This is intended to improve the living conditions of those living in the area before the renovation. The city government of Montreal also greatly values the contributions of the community members. It is for this reason that we are encourage residents to reach out to us through their chosen representatives. This helps us make informed decisions and acts as an opportunity for the residents to present ideas of projects they feel might be beneficial for our community. We welcome any and all contributions by the members of this community because, as was mentioned by our Minister of municipal affairs for the province of Quebec, Mr Robert Lussier, it is only by knowing our constituents that the local administration understand their needs. We thank the residents of St Martin’s block for their support and cooperation, and acknowledge that this projected would not have been successful without their support. We also wish to assure everyone that was affected negatively by this project that we are working towards ensuring they get the compensation they deserve. Furthermore, we assure the members of this community that, as mentioned above, this will provide a safe, clean and healthy environment for the current residents and future generations.
SPOKESPERSON: In the meeting with the resident representatives to discuss the new housing project, the Minister for municipal affairs for the province of Quebec Mr Robert Lussier stated that The local administration know their constituents and understand their needs. He emphasized the need for a better housing plan for the community. The chairman of the executive committee of the city of Montreal also addressed concerns of those who were relocated to new areas before the beginning of the project. He responded to this by assuring the residents that they would give priority to those who were removed from their houses for renewal. “It is the duty of the society to offer available housing to those who needed it most,” stated Mr Lucien Saulnier.
BOILERPLATE: The City government of Montreal is a branch of the Provincial government of Quebec, which is actively involved in projects that push for the betterment of the community. The unveiling of the City’s project at St Martin’s blocks was overseen by Lucien Saulnier (Chairman of the executive committee of the city of Montreal), and Robert Lussier (Minister of municipal affairs for Quebec).
CONTACT INFORMATION: You can reach out to us on our website : https://montreal.ca/en/contact-city or call us by dialing 311